6 Sentence Sunday


OK, let me be the first to point out that it’s not Sunday. Not yet anyway. Although if you’re reading this on Sunday it will be…

I only came across 6 Sentence Sunday recently, but the idea is that you share 6 sentences from your work (whether in progress or completed) which will then go live over at http://www.sixsunday.com on – yep, you guessed it – Sunday.

It’s the first time I’ve taken part in this, so here goes. Please find below, for your delight and delectation, the first 6 sentences of my novel-in-draft. It may be called Dark Energies or it may be called Jumping From Cliffs. I’ll let my audience decide once the time comes. I hope you enjoy them. Please feel free to comment if you do; or even if you don’t.

Edward Stretton somehow knew that neither he, nor anyone else, would ever see his wife again.

He replaced the bottle-green handset in its cradle and ran his hand once again over the empty space on the sideboard. A hazy rectangle of dark walnut stood out feather-edged against the sun-lightened surface surrounding it, the only indication of what no longer stood there. A light residue of polish coated his fingertips as they stroked rhythmically back and forth across the absence, as if he were stroking the hair of a child recently woken from a nightmare. He paused and inspected the powdery coating for a second, his mind a thousand miles away, before wiping it on the sleeve of his suit jacket and picking up the receiver once more.

With a slender forefinger, he turned the clear plastic dial until it stopped against the metal fingerpiece, then listened to the clicking as it ratcheted back to its starting position.

Any readers who have previously perused the post Sneak Peek will recognise these as the start of the Prologue. There’s one subtle difference however: this is from the edited, revised, adjective-light version which entered the world following feedback from all the lovely people who reviewed the original for me.

As soon as the final edit of the MS is complete, I shall be posting more. You have been warned.

In the meantime, I shall leave you in suspense…

5 thoughts on “6 Sentence Sunday

  1. I love this guy’s name! Edward Stretton.
    I also like that you have more guts than me to post. Deffo want to read on.
    Maybe I’ll try and partake in this 6 sentence sunday stuff. sibilance at its best!


  2. I agree with Holly. His name is fantastic. Your description is very detailed. I saw the scene very clearly and despite not mentioning his mood at all, you’ve managed to communicate so many feelings–each too complicated to simplify. Very morose. Loved it. Welcome to SSS.


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