The Sting



Evelyn Waugh. Not me.

Hello again. It’s been a bit quiet over here at JFC recently, so I thought I’d pop by in case you all missed me…

Oh. OK then. Anyway…

Life is too hastily hectic to pen a proper post just now – yes, that’s also my stock excuse for not writing enough, but it’s true I tell you.

But I couldn’t help sharing this wonderful thing I just learned:

Evelyn Waugh – an utter unmitigated genius if ever there were one – was apparently so disillusioned with his first unpublished novel after a friend said they didn’t like it that he burned it.

Then attempted to drown himself.

Always a touch on the over-dramatic side, we British artistic types.

Fortunately, he was stung by a jellyfish instead and headed back to shore to compose such masterpieces as Scoop, Sword of Honour, White Mischief, etc. etc.

Thank goodness for that jellyfish I say.

So, in honour of Friday, what’s your favourite piece of literary oddness my friends? Please share, I’m busy but bored.

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