Testing, testing…


Been busy writing

Hello? Is this thing on…?

It’s been a while hasn’t it? Quite a long while in fact. I have been hiding away and have neglected you all, for which I offer my most sincere apologies.

I’ve been busy. Yes, OK, I know how often I use that phrase and I know you’re all frantically busy too and still find time to blog. I really have no excuse. Oh hang on… yes I do…

I have been beavering away at the novel, cracking on with the final (I do so hope) round of edits and using the gruelling opportunity of Camp NaNo to really push toward the finish line. So there, that’s kind of a good excuse no? I dropped the blog about the writing to focus on the writing. Am I forgiven?

Anyway… thought I’d just pop by to assure you all that I haven’t succumbed to a surfeit of lampreys and I’m still extraordinarily fond of each and every one of you. I shall endeavour, in my best boy scout manner, to become a better blogger again.

And – big fanfare please (ta-da-da-da-da-da-DAAAAAAA!!) – in response to some absolutely delightful comments on my previous post (a snippet of the infamous first novel, Dark Energies) I might even pop up a few more excerpts to whet your collective whistles!

Now there’s a promise for a sunny Friday morning eh?

Must dash, the peacocks are nibbling at the peonies again, but watch this space my friends…

8 thoughts on “Testing, testing…

  1. Gwen Stephens

    Hey Jon, good to see a post from you. Summer is a busy time for everyone. Lots of people drop out of the blogosphere. Hope your Camp NaNo experience was a good one.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey! Good to see you’re back!
    So happy you found Camp fun! Did the peacocks nibble your guy ropes? Have visions of the tent collapsing on you and you writing on, draped in canvas, oblivious. Pesky birds, peacocks. Well you will be posh!


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